#2 Xbox One Exclusive Released Games

#2 Xbox One Exclusive Released Games

For you all xbox lover, we will give you a list of xbox one exclusive released games.
So you could pick wisely the game you like and for xbox one only platform !!
Because every game is not cheap at all or it cost a lot of money, caution what you buy. Not every game is our type even the game itself is so great, different game for different players. So here it is the game list maybe you love :

Killer Instinct 2

Gameplay Trailer :

Killer Instinct 2 is a fighting game developed by Rare and manufactured by Midway for arcades in 1996 as a sequel toKiller Instinct (1994).As with most fighting games and indeed its predecessor, two characters square off with the goal of depleting the opponent's life bar. As with the original Killer Instinct, when a player's original life bar is fully depleted, he or she will fall to the ground, and immediately begin on his or her second lifebar.

Kinect Sports Rivals

Gameplay Trailer :

Kinect Sports Rivals is a sports video game for the Xbox One. It is part of the Kinect Sports series. The game was announced during Microsoft's E3 2013 press event and was released on 8 April 2014. The game features sports such as bowling, jetski racing, rock climbing, soccer, target shooting, and tennis.

Powerstar Golf

Gameplay Trailer :

Powerstar Golf is a golf video game for the Xbox One. It was developed by Zoë Mode, a studio of Kuju Entertainment, and released on November 22, 2013.

Shape Up

Gameplay Trailer :

Shape Up is a fitness game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was released on Xbox One in November 2014 as a Kinect title.  It was officially announced by Ubisoft at Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014. Shape Up combines exercise methods with novel workouts. Users may punch asteroids, squat to the moon or bench press an elephant, for example. The game features arcade style visuals. A camera enables users to project their bodies onto the screen in order to keep track of workouts and calories burned. An online mode allows users to exercise with others. Users may choose from 90-second training sessions or long-term 4-week goal oriented sessions.

Sunset Overdrive

Gameplay Trailer :

Sunset Overdrive is an open world third-person shooter comedic video game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Microsoft Studios exclusively for the Xbox One.
Players navigate the open world metropolis Sunset City in 2027. Thedystopian world has been overrun by mutants called the OD, short for Overcharge Drinkers. The player character, whose gender, skin tone and body type can be customized, is a former FizzCo employee, tasked with cleaning up the mess left behind from a party FizzCo has thrown in celebration of the launch of their new energy drink, Overcharge Delirium XT. Players fight the OD'd humans who have mutated from drinking too much of the energy drink.

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