Gameplay Trailer :
Name : ArcheAge Online
Released : January 2013
Platform : PC
Genre : RPG, Online
Website :
Released : January 2013
Platform : PC
Genre : RPG, Online
Website :
ArcheAge had four races : Nuians (Human Race), Elves, Firran (Beast Type) and Harani. Each race had their own passive abilities to help us on adventure.
You can choose any class you like and combine your skill.
ArcheAge class :
Charge in, fight up close, and keep your targets from getting away! This Skillset is primarily focused on offensive prowess with passive abilities that boost your attack and provide some compensation for dual-wielding weapons.
Focused on applying a variety of status effects and debuffs from a distance, this Skillset is great for adding tools to your damage or healing setup. Its passives boost your mana regeneration and chance for magic critical hits.
This Skillset focuses primarily on ranged damage dealing – as one might expect – while keeping your target at a distance. Archery’s active abilities apply a range of damage-over-time, snaring, slowing, and other effects, and its passive abilities boost your mobility and ranged physical damage.
Stealth, surprise attacks, and high mobility into and out of combat situations are the specialties of Shadowplay. Its passives lower aggro generation, increase your evasion, and boost your chance to score high-damage critical hits.
Smite your enemies with ranged and area-of-effect damage in the form of fire, electricity, and ice! Sorcery passive abilities increase damage while its multiple status-effect combos provide ample disruption among its targets.
Keep yourself and others alive with heals, heals over time, protection spells, and resurrection. Vitalism passives increase your mana pool and the potency of your healing effects.
The Skillset for any aspiring bard, Songcraft comes with a variety of powers including ranged damage, crowd control, buffs, small heals, debuffs, and more – all good tools to have access to whether solo or in a group!
This Skillset is all about crowd control – both applying it and removing it. Witchcraft spellcasters lock down fights and control battles while their passive abilities increase defense and crowd control intensity.
This support Skillset deals in buffs for you and your group, debuffs for your enemies, and a mix of light healing, defense, and crowd control. Its broad toolkit makes for excellent group support.
This is the primary Skillset for those who want to pick up a shield and take some damage, packing the high-protection skills, taunts, and damage mitigation of a “tank.” Its passives focus on blocking and reducing incoming damage.

Charge in, fight up close, and keep your targets from getting away! This Skillset is primarily focused on offensive prowess with passive abilities that boost your attack and provide some compensation for dual-wielding weapons.

Focused on applying a variety of status effects and debuffs from a distance, this Skillset is great for adding tools to your damage or healing setup. Its passives boost your mana regeneration and chance for magic critical hits.

This Skillset focuses primarily on ranged damage dealing – as one might expect – while keeping your target at a distance. Archery’s active abilities apply a range of damage-over-time, snaring, slowing, and other effects, and its passive abilities boost your mobility and ranged physical damage.

Stealth, surprise attacks, and high mobility into and out of combat situations are the specialties of Shadowplay. Its passives lower aggro generation, increase your evasion, and boost your chance to score high-damage critical hits.


Keep yourself and others alive with heals, heals over time, protection spells, and resurrection. Vitalism passives increase your mana pool and the potency of your healing effects.

The Skillset for any aspiring bard, Songcraft comes with a variety of powers including ranged damage, crowd control, buffs, small heals, debuffs, and more – all good tools to have access to whether solo or in a group!

This Skillset is all about crowd control – both applying it and removing it. Witchcraft spellcasters lock down fights and control battles while their passive abilities increase defense and crowd control intensity.

This support Skillset deals in buffs for you and your group, debuffs for your enemies, and a mix of light healing, defense, and crowd control. Its broad toolkit makes for excellent group support.

This is the primary Skillset for those who want to pick up a shield and take some damage, packing the high-protection skills, taunts, and damage mitigation of a “tank.” Its passives focus on blocking and reducing incoming damage.
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