Gameplay Trailer :
Name : Demigod
Payment : Buy To Play
Platform : PC
Genre : MOBA
Website :
Payment : Buy To Play
Platform : PC
Genre : MOBA
Website :
Gold and experience points are earned as the player defeats the enemy and captures nodes. There are a few different buildings that assist your team which include shops, flags which can be captured, and a citadel which is the main base of each side. Portals are another kind of building that must be captured. When your team owns a portal, troops will start to spawn onto the map to help your team. As the player's Demigod levels up, the player also gains access to new abilities through the respective skill tree. Each Demigod has its own unique talent tree with a blend of offensive, defensive and team focused abilities. Demigods can also purchase items to boost their abilities. Achievements earn the player favor points, which can be used to purchase favor items. Players are allowed to choose one favor item that can be used throughout the match, but once the favor item has been chosen, it cannot be replaced until the next match. Once a favor item is purchased it will be available for use in following matches for free.

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