Starblade: Operation Blue Planet
Gameplay Trailer :
Command and Conquer Tiberium
Trailer :
Streets Of Rage
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Street Rage is from the makers of Crackdown 2 , in the summer of 2012, working on a revival of the old Streets Of Rage. Remake of the side-scrolling gameplay in the original, it retained several things that marked out the 90s Streets Of Rage: a benighted city full of thugs, and plenty of blunt instruments to pick up and hit them around the head with. It is quite surprise for all fans that anticipated waiting for this game suddenly closed.
Star Wars 1313

Trailer :
Star Wars 1313 was an action-adventure video game under development by LucasArts. The game would take a more mature, gritty direction compared to past Star Wars video games and, like 2002's Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, emphasize fast-paced gadget and weapon-based combat using tools exclusive to bounty hunters rather than Force and lightsaber-based combat.
On April 3, 2013, it was announced that The Walt Disney Company had closed down LucasArts and ceased internal development of all their projects, including Star Wars 1313. Company representatives have indicated that the game may be revived through a licensing deal with an outside studio, but until then Star Wars 1313 remains on hold. The question is , Hold until when ? better turn down the hope seekers.
Star Wars: Battlefront 3

Star Wars: Battlefront 3 once again it seem lucast art really had hobby to break gamer hope. After star wars 1313 is cancelled now this one good trap too. How is it feel after you watch the video ? quite drolling is it. This one is really shocking news that fans absolutely dissapointed with resigned.
Developer Steve Ellis has said that Battlefront 3 was "99 percent" finished when the plug was abruptly pulled in 2008. That certainly makes sense, since the studio was about three years into production when LucasArts shut it down, and just to make matters even more depressing, the footage that has gradually leaked out (seemingly by ex-Free Radical employers) looked really, really good.
In a further twist, LucasArts was working on its own, internally-developed version of Battlefront 3 after 2008, but this too appears to have gone the way of the dinosaur following LucasArt's demise last year. This wasn't the only Star Wars game to have been cancelled in the wake of Disney's purchase of LucasFilm, either. In July, a picture of 20 logos surfaced, which appeared to prove that games with titles ranging fromRise Of The Rebellion, Jedi Outlaw, Star Wars: Han Solo and, hilariously, Star Wars: Rebel Scum were all at least in the planning stages.
Developer Steve Ellis has said that Battlefront 3 was "99 percent" finished when the plug was abruptly pulled in 2008. That certainly makes sense, since the studio was about three years into production when LucasArts shut it down, and just to make matters even more depressing, the footage that has gradually leaked out (seemingly by ex-Free Radical employers) looked really, really good.
In a further twist, LucasArts was working on its own, internally-developed version of Battlefront 3 after 2008, but this too appears to have gone the way of the dinosaur following LucasArt's demise last year. This wasn't the only Star Wars game to have been cancelled in the wake of Disney's purchase of LucasFilm, either. In July, a picture of 20 logos surfaced, which appeared to prove that games with titles ranging fromRise Of The Rebellion, Jedi Outlaw, Star Wars: Han Solo and, hilariously, Star Wars: Rebel Scum were all at least in the planning stages.
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