Gameplay Trailer :
Name : Goodbye Deponia
Released : October 2013
Platform : PC
Genre : Adventure
Released : October 2013
Platform : PC
Genre : Adventure
Goodbye Deponia is a Point-and-click adventure created by Daedalic Entertainment. It is available since 15 October 2013 and the third installment of the Deponia-trilogy.
Rufus, Goal, Doc and Bozo are forced to continue their trip to the upper ascension station in Porta Fisco by foot. They overnight in a hotel. There, Doc and Bozo set up a lab so the three Goal personalities can be finally merged. Doc and Bozo deceive Rufus by telling him he must look for an important object (of which they think does not exist).
Meanwhile, Argus sends Cletus and Opperbot on a mission to find Goal after they noticed they captured Donna instead of Goal. Rufus finds out Cletus has the important object in his room. Once in possession he returns to the lab but it seems the operation is already finished with success. A furious Rufus leaves the lab and runs into Argus who just arrived with Donna. After some hide-and-seek, Rufus (currently wearing Cletus' clothes) can convince Argus he is Cletus (Rufus and Cletus are look-alikes). A disguised Goal claims to be Donna. The plan works and Argus takes them to the last Organon-cruiser in Porta Fisco.
Suddenly, a dead woman falls out of the sky. Rufus recognizes Goal and wants to ask Hermes if there is a way to clone her. However, Hermes just committed suicide so Rufus first has to clone him. Once succeeded Goal is also cloned. However, she returns as a baby and falls in the drain. Rufus has three problems which must be solved at same time: to rescue baby Goal, to prevent the invasion of the Organon in Elysium and to prevent Deponia to be blown up. That's why he clones himself twice which means there are now three "Ruffi".
The plan succeeds although Rufus is seen as Argus and taken to Ulysses, the leader of the Organon. Rufus is surprised when it turns out Ulysses is the father of Goal. Ulysses still has the intention to blow up Deponia which will also destroy the Organon cruiser. Ulysses thinks his daughter is in Elysium. Rufus can prove the opposite is true. However, the irreversible process for the detonation already started.
Rufus convinces Argus and Cletus to cooperate in order to destroy the bomb. This succeeds, but the three get stuck in the rotor which balances the cruiser. They are found by Goal who can only rescue one of them. She decides only to rescue Rufus but as the three wear the same outfit she does not know who Rufus actually is.
Goal takes “Rufus” to the council of Elysium. The council is concerned: due to the new situation Elysium is overpopulated and there are not enough resources. That's why they have the intention to destroy Elysium and move back to Deponia. Goal tells the council to listen to the advice of "Rufus". Cletus decides to give up his old identity and to live as Rufus as from now. It is not revealed whether the real Rufus survived the fall or not.
Minimum Spec
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Intel/AMD 2.5Ghz
Memory: 2GB
Hard disk space: 3GB
VGA: 256MB compatible
Screenshots :

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