Gameplay Trailer :
Name : Crypt of the Necrodancer
Released : April 2015
Platform : PC
Genre : Adventure
Platform : PC
Genre : Adventure

In the main game, the player control Cadence, the daughter of a famed treasure hunter that has gone missing. In searching for him, she falls into a crypt controlled by The Necrodancer, who steals Cadence's heart and forces her to challenge his minions to retrieve it. She is forced to fight through the crypt's dungeon with her actions tied to the beat of the music and her heart as to stay alive and defeat the Necrodancer. Inside of the crypt, Cadence finds her missing father, and together the two of them defeat The Necrodancer. They take The Necrodancer's magical golden Lute, and use its power to resurrect Cadence's dead mother Melody. They discover that the lute is cursed however, and Melody must keep playing it forever or she will die. To try and break her curse, Melody enters the crypt in search of answers. After The Necrodancer is defeated a second time (this time by Melody), she finds her own mother, Aria. Aria reveals that she knows how to break the curse of the lute, and sets off through the crypt to do so. In the end, Aria sacrifices her own life to destroy the golden lute, and doing so she frees Melody from her curse, allowing her to return to her family.

Crypt of the NecroDancer is a top-down 2D dungeon crawler in which the player controls one of a selection of characters to explore several levels of an underground dungeon that are procedurally generated similar to roguelikegames.
Players can manipulate their character by using either a dance pad, a mouse and keyboard, or a gamepad. Unlike traditional roguelikes, the player can only have their character move or attack if they perform the action on the beat of the music. Like with many rhythm games, each successful beat match will boost a coin scoring multiplier along with the completion of the action. Failure to match each beat does not directly harm the character in most situations, but this will cause the scoring multiplier to be reset, and may cause the character to be harmed by a nearby monster if he/she is in their attack path. The character can also be harmed by moving into a monster's attack. When the character's health meter empties, the game is over. Monsters move according to predetermined patterns by type which the player must learn to attack and avoid damage effectively.
Crypt of the NecroDancer screenshot of the 0.244alpha version showing Cadence, a playable character (middle) next to two blue slimes (left), a titanium broadsword (right) as well as some dropped gold coins.
As the player explores, they will collect new weapons, armor, usable items, and treasure; the player's inventory is automatically managed by the game. Defeating monsters will drop a number of coins that can be used to purchase items from shops within the dungeon. There are also diamonds that are used for purchasing permanent enhancements to the character's abilities at the game's lobby. The dungeon is divided into four zones, consisting of four levels each. The first three levels of each zone require the player to find the exit and defeat a mini-boss to unlock it; the fourth level is a larger boss character that must be defeated to progress further. In addition, the player is limited to the length of the song to complete the level; when the song ends, they are automatically sent to the next level, forgoing the rewards of completing the level.
The player returns to the game's lobby area after dying or optionally at any time, losing any items, gold, or other equipment at the time, though retaining any diamonds they have found. The lobby features shops which the player can spend those diamonds for permanent upgrades. The player can then restart the game, or if they have completed any zones, access the next available zone directly. The player can also access the other game modes, such as "hardcore" mode in which the player must be able to complete the entire four-zone dungeon run without dying. The player initially has access to the main character, Cadence, while new characters with different modes of play also become available as the player completes certain goals; for example the monk character is more powerful in combat and can easily defeat monsters, but immediately dies if he touches gold. Special trainers and other beneficial non-player characters can be rescued from certain zones, and once rescued, will provides these services to the player from the main lobby.
The game features sixteen tracks composed by Danny Baranowsky, which are ordered with varying beats-per-minute, making deeper levels more challenging than earlier ones. The user has the ability to set custom music for each of the game's levels, with an internal software known as Essentia shipped with the game used to determine the beats-per-minute that is used to set the tempo for the game.
Screenshots :

You can buy on steam here : Crypt of the necrodancer
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