Our soon anticipated video game, the third sequel from Call of Duty Black Ops III has reveal the awesomeness of the game just a few days ago. We do know multiplayer system is the best for Call of Duty beside the story. Without PVP mode , COD will be empty shell because we won't feel the thrill by shooting other player right on heads. Now is so different from other last COD series, Black Ops III give us new experience of combat war with various classes, technique, and specialisation of each soldiers. Almost like spiderman, Black Ops III could crawling and even running on the wall too. War getting more wilder and merciless. See the trailer :
Really good isn't it if you watched professional player playing a game, it feel so organised but that is not all, the awesomeness of trailer can be seen with various classes introduced. Showing off their abilities and Black Ops world. Jumping around, sliding, dodging, and aiming movements really fresh and smooth like always. Futuristic background is a plus on this game, who doesn't like future gadgets? war more cooler with those on the game.

Reminder : Call of Duty Black Ops III launches on PS4 November 6th, but a pre-order will grant you access to the beta, which debuts on PS4 August 19th.
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