1.) Operators Create New, Strategic Possibilities
Team Rainbow is comprised of the world’s most elite operators selected from famed counter-terrorist units. Each operator is an expert in their field, with a unique gadget function, and a specific loadout dependent on from which CTU they were recruited from.
There will be 20 at launch to choose from, and you’ll get to discover which ones speak to your specific playstyle. Operators work together to form powerful combinations, and there can’t be two of the same operator in a match, so teams will need to think carefully about their team composition and strategy.
2.) Destruction Molds the Environment to Your Advantage
Destruction isn’t just a neat, aesthetic feature in Rainbow Six Siege — it lies at the heart of the gameplay. Using breach charges and other tools on walls and floors allow you to surprise, trap, and create lines of sight on your opponents.
The RealBlast engine enables us to provide procedural destruction, so surfaces will never break the same way twice. In the same sense, maps will be different every time you play depending on how you destroy and mold them throughout the course of the round.

3.) Sound is Just As Crucial as Visual Intelligence
While utilizing drones, surveillance cameras, and operator gadgets is a huge part of gaining an edge on your opponents, it’s just as important to listen to what’s happening around you. They have spend a lot of time implementing advanced sound propagation techniques, and audio cues can — and should — be used to your advantage.
Footsteps, a reloading gun, or rappel rope outside a barricaded window may tip you off to imminent enemy engagement. Check out our YouTube channel in the coming weeks for an exclusive feature video on how we’re implementing sound propagation in our destructible environments.
While utilizing drones, surveillance cameras, and operator gadgets is a huge part of gaining an edge on your opponents, it’s just as important to listen to what’s happening around you. They have spend a lot of time implementing advanced sound propagation techniques, and audio cues can — and should — be used to your advantage.
Footsteps, a reloading gun, or rappel rope outside a barricaded window may tip you off to imminent enemy engagement. Check out our YouTube channel in the coming weeks for an exclusive feature video on how we’re implementing sound propagation in our destructible environments.
4.) Enemy AI Archetypes in Terrorist Hunt Keep You on Your Toes
In Rainbow Six Siege, they wanted to make the AI more intelligent than ever before. PvE gameplay will feature different enemy AI archetypes controlled by an AI “Strategy Manager” that responds and adapts to your actions in the game.
The archetypes can do anything human players can do, like breaching, fortifying, and rappelling — so they’re very unpredictable. Normal difficulty allows casual players to have fun with this mode, but hard and realistic difficulty levels provide a much more challenging experience for more hardcore or advanced players.

5.) Rainbow Six will in Long term experience
By going all-in with a focus on providing a great online multiplayer experience, we made a commitment to treating our game as a service and investing in it for the long term. Their vision was not a game that you’d play through and “beat,” but something you’d come back to time and again and grow with.
In order to do that, they will be heavily supporting the game for at least one year with regular balancing and tweaks. New maps will be free for everyone, and they'll be releasing the full details of our post-launch support soon on the Rainbow Six dev blog.
By going all-in with a focus on providing a great online multiplayer experience, we made a commitment to treating our game as a service and investing in it for the long term. Their vision was not a game that you’d play through and “beat,” but something you’d come back to time and again and grow with.
In order to do that, they will be heavily supporting the game for at least one year with regular balancing and tweaks. New maps will be free for everyone, and they'll be releasing the full details of our post-launch support soon on the Rainbow Six dev blog.
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