#2 Every MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) Games Ever Created :
MOBA is multiplayer online battle arena which mean you playing multiplayer with others like player or AI. Mostly MOBA gameplay with other player online, because that is the meaning of true MOBA. MOBA game such example : Warcraft DOTA (Deffense of the ancients) if the very first MOBA, All MOBA gameplay type almost similar. Two team fight in the battle, your team versus enemy team, choosing your own heroes, pick the mode, leveling up, crafting item, normal monster, strong monster, and destroy enemy fortress. MOBA requires quite strategy and good team to win. Combination of heroes and skill is also necessary. Click the game title for more details.
This is MOBA released list :
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The game uses a castle-building metaphor to display a player's development and a collectible card mechanic for character talents. It has persistent character development between battles and a class system with roles outside of the "tank, mage, and healer" triad. Prime World's main game mode is "Borderlands", which is a classic MOBA map with three lanes guarded by turrets and two bases.
There are ten playable characters in Fates Forever as of the games launch, with at least four more planned for post-release. Each character has several special abilities that are unique to the play-style of each player-character. As of 2015, there are 14 characters i.e. all the famous characters have been released.
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Shapers and their stats can be modified by players by choosing spells and items. Shapers also have access to wards that can be placed to provide vision to areas of the map for their team.
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