Did you ever notice if every game start from conflict that made by enemies a.k.a villain.
No game will be great without immortal enemies, even angry birds has piggy as their every day foes. So without villain there is no heroes, without heroes there is nothing on tale. These one are villains that do not want to lose fame from heroes. Even villains can be cooler then heroes. These are Villains that success to claim players / gamers heart :
Wesker ( Resident Evil )

At first i don't really quite recognize him while playing the first resident evil. He look like just normal character. Then he showed up at several resident evil sequel and in the RE 5 he finally show his coolness. Why he is cool ? well, he looks just like matrix. He can move fast almost like quick silver.
That really make us annoying, but he really success complete his plan all along in the Resident Evil.
That really make us annoying, but he really success complete his plan all along in the Resident Evil.
The Joker ( Batman )
He is really famous as famous as batman, not even in the game also in the movie. He is also twisted minded but he is really genius. Over and over he make the heroes batman overwhelmed. He never give up fight with batman even he always fail. His smiling face made players fall in love with him.
Darth Vader ( Star Wars )
Same as Joker, telekinesis dark lord of the sith are well - known famous villain in the movie also in the game. Famous word " Iam your father " is also heard everywhere created because of him. So many action figures on behalf of Darth Vader. His unique helmet, black armor, and long cape is his characteristic and ofcourse the light saber too.
Heihachi Mishima ( Tekken )

Heihachi Mishima even his age is not as young as he was. But he is truly great villain of all Tekken. His first appearance is in first Tekken. Old strong body of his with white old hair standing is his characteristic. He also can evolve into mighty dark creatures on Tekken. That mean he is worth to be boss of the villain.
Luca Blight ( Suikoden 2 )
Nemesis ( Resident Evil 3)

No one blame this one became killing machine. Because he is one of the succeed test subject by Umbrela. He is hard to kill in the game and really scary one you will be thrilled if encounter him in the game. His favourite weapon is bazooka which has destroyed many helicopters with it. He is not ordinary zombie type, he can thinking and has really smart brain. Though he can only say " S.T.A.R.S.. " the only thing player can remember. That's why he is famous.
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