Grandia Series
Grandia 1997 to 2009 Grandia Online
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Grandia is tactical turn based rpg game in the first series but turn into online game after released the latest series. This difficult rpg games always accompany us from classic graphic into 3D marvellous graphic. Still wanted for next series that doesn't online full of stories.
Chrono Series
Chrono trigger 1995 to 1999 Chrono cross
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Chrono trigger is famous classic rpg old game. Story of time is the only characteristic of the game. Changing condition from era to era for greater good. Next sequel Chrono Cross is drastically evolving. Gameplay, Graphic, battle system is changed but the time elapsing story still remain. There is actually exist a next sequel, but it cancelled under development with title Chrono Break. Then no news for chrono sequel after that.
Lunar Series
Lunar Silver Star 1992 to 2010 Lunar Silver Star Harmony
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Lunar series well known by their action turn based smooth rpg game. Flavored by cute graphic and intense battle system. Difficulties for battle system required extra focus to win it. Even swallowed by time lunar still has the same feature system from previous sequel. Yet after 4 years more there is no news for another sequel except lunar remake into IOS version.
Lufia Series
Lufia Fortress of Doom 1993 to 2010 Lufia Curse of the Sinistrals
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Lufia the first series is turn based rpg game and still keeping their characteristic until the fifth sequel. But the latest sequel is changing drastically. Gameplay mode changed into action rpg game. Yet the true old characteristic of Lufia game is anticipated by Lufia Fans gamer.
Wild Arms Series
Wild Arms 1996 to 2007 Wild Arms XF
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Wild Arms unique rpg game seem vanished lost by time. Wild Arms first sequel until before the latest is turn based rpg game but the latest one turn into strategy rpg game. Even long time no news for next sequel. Wild Arms fans really missed the next series.
Breath of Fire Series
Breath of Fire 1993 to 2002 Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter

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Breath of Fire series never let us down until arrived the latest series. Honestly many fans dissapointed for the last one. Changed the whole thing all about breath of fire. Fans wanted breath of fire next series with their old characteristic.
Suikoden Series
Suikoden 1995 to 2012 Genso Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki
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We don't know what happen on Suikoden, Suikoden I into VI series seem to be fine and able to enjoy by players. Some series even changed into strategy game and now the latest seem average and changed too much. Fans really missed the great suikoden and anticipated for it's originality.
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