Gameplay Trailer :
Name : Might & Magic Heroes VII
Released : September 2015
Platform : PC
Genre : Strategy
Released : September 2015
Platform : PC
Genre : Strategy
The game will take place some 200 years after the events of Shades of Darkness, and ten years after the assassination of the Holy Empress Maeve Falcon (i.e. another 100 years before Heroes V). The story will follow Ivan Griffin, Duke of Griffin Duchy, in his pursuit of the crown after the dissolution of the Falcon Empire; but to do so he must band together with a force of allies. One of which the world had not seen the likes of before.
Gameplay will follow similar tactics found within the Heroes of Might and Magic series. Strategy is a key to the gameplay as battles are structured to a chess like board where each player controls a faction of units. The battle involves turn-based gameplay, in which each creature will have an opportunity to make a move. The battle is over when all the units of one side have been killed, or in a ceasefire scenario. During each player's turn on the adventure map, building or upgrading the main castle will allow for better expansion on the map, as well as for the recruiting of an army. Players move their "Heroes" about the map, collecting resources and artifacts that provide benefits in later gameplay. By expanding territory and capturing enemy towns, the player can build a larger army. The game is won when one player is left standing after all the rest have been defeated. The game will include a Campaign Mode similar to previous editions that will follow various storylines of the main characters. Multiplayer and Online player capabilities will allow the player to play against other human players.

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