Guide to The Enchanted Cave 2
We would like to present you game that need patient and focus also tactics to beat this game. It's not easy as it's look but this game is really need to be conquered by rpg players. You can get this game : The Enchanted Cave 2
Believe me this game give addicting even after you start over and over at the dungeon.
- Watch for shiny bricks on the walls. Behind them are secret rooms that will have rare items in them along with interesting books to reed!

- Don’t push it. You don’t need to kill EVER monster in the room. Only kill the ones that are in your way of rare treasure (a red treasure chests), shiny bricks, or stairs.
- There is a difference between MP regen and MP restore. MP regen is what you will be wanting to use on your items. MP restore is for making MP potions.

- Once you have good enough weapons and stats to be able to kill certain enemy’s in 1 hit or without taking any damage, kill those enemy’s all the time (if stronger ones aren’t in your way). The reason that you should do this is for the EXP they give. It is basically free exp!
- One of the first things you should upgrade on your skill tree is the HP spell. Once you get that you wont need to rely on potions as much after.
- To craft potions you just put the ingredients into the forge and no items.
PS: When enchanting, you don’t get both attributes from the ingredient, you have to mouse over and select one of the two that you want.

- Any time possible, try to buy the items from the guy to the left of the house in town. His items will almost always be better then any of your current items so, whatever his price is, its probably worth it!

He will be available to you until 19 people go missing, or until you reach floor 60.

- Potion ingredients may be cheaper then potions themselves. So if you are tight on gold but absolutely NEED a potion, just buy the ingredients that can make you one.
- If you are in a tight spot, just run away. To leave a fight, just click on another square that isn’t the monster you are fighting.
- Made pots cannot be drunk in battle.
- Each 10 level contains 2 secret rooms.
- To get all of the town dialog from the NPCs you should exit every 10 levels.
Must Knows For the Whole Game
- Well the first thing that you need to know, is that you will not be able to even get to level 30+ without using your wings at least once or twice. Using your wings is how you get stronger over time. The more you use them, the more money you will have, the stronger you will be, and the better equipped you will be. Yes, it may be a bit slow, but it is an essential part of the game.
- The skill tree should be based on your play style, but I’ll be putting mine, and other peoples input into what you should use your SP on first.
First You need to get the HP spell so that you don’t always rely on potions which get pricy. You can continue in this branch if you want but after you get the first HP spell I suggest moving onto the second choice bellow.

Second Upgrade your attack part of the tree so that you can begin killing the beginning monsters in one hit sooner. This will allow you to level easier which will give you more SP to spend in the long run.

Third Up grade the merchant and gold part of the skill tree last. Only because it isn’t as necessary as the other branches and because the others help more in the beginning. As you progress further, slowly upgrade this branch though.
- Once you hit floor 60, you wont be able to buy rare items from the guy in town anymore; so try to do it as many times as possible before he stops selling to you.
Farming Methods
This list will be compiled of ways to get large sums of certain items, level up a lot, and more.
For A Lot MP Regen-
Step One Start at floor 30 and buy all the Fractal Cabbages from the vendor on that floor.
Step Two Keep going into the dungeon until you find a pair of escape wings, and then use them.
Step Three Purchase a rare item from the seller in town and if it’s better then any of your current items, then infuse the Fractal Cabbages into it.
Step Four Repeat. If you do this about 5 times you should be regaining upwards of 30+ MP per kill, and you’ll be decked out with all of those rares you bought.
Step One Start at floor 30 and buy all the Fractal Cabbages from the vendor on that floor.
Step Two Keep going into the dungeon until you find a pair of escape wings, and then use them.
Step Three Purchase a rare item from the seller in town and if it’s better then any of your current items, then infuse the Fractal Cabbages into it.
Step Four Repeat. If you do this about 5 times you should be regaining upwards of 30+ MP per kill, and you’ll be decked out with all of those rares you bought.
For Fast Leveling-
Step Start about 10-20 levels before your last exit.
*Step After you get to where you last exited, exit again so that you can continuously level while keeping the difficulty level down.
*Step Three Repeat. (Once again, don’t forget to purchase a rare item from the vendor in town each time you exit)
Step Start about 10-20 levels before your last exit.
*Step After you get to where you last exited, exit again so that you can continuously level while keeping the difficulty level down.
*Step Three Repeat. (Once again, don’t forget to purchase a rare item from the vendor in town each time you exit)
First 50 Levels
- MP regen enchantments are going to be really helpful for getting through the first levels. Try to stack as many as you can and you will get 20+ MP per kill. That’s enough to continuously heal yourself and be able to kill all of the monsters on each floor. This should work at least until the damage output of the monsters exceeds the intake of you HP spell. (Fractal Cabbages can give your items an MP regen ability)
- Transmuting items is best used in slots that your luck may be lacking in. Anything with HP/MP regen is worth putting into it! (This applies throughout the whole game)
- I suggest (unless you are just trying to speed run through the game) that every time you use your escape wings, that you start from floor 1 again. This allows you to gain the most exp, rare items, and gold back as you ascend to the levels that you were once at.
- You need to make sure to correctly decide when the time has come, to upgrade your equipment with enchantments. This can play a vital role in your game play.
Levels 50-80
Things become much, much harder at this point. You wont be able to 1 hit KO many of the monsters anymore; leading to the loss of more HP.
- You are going to want to gradually start to stop killing as many monsters as possible, and just get as many goodies as possible. So, once again, be mindful of what enemy’s you need to take on.
- By now you are going to want the transmute spell because the rare item chests wont always have as good of items in them. The transmute spell will allow you to turn non rare items into rare items; allowing you to keep them after you escape.
- Make sure you have most of your equipments infused with Bleed and Decimate. If you equip most of them you should be doing a bonus of at least 60+ more damage to your enemies if both effect them. (These two enchantments will also play a vital role in killing the boss).
Important Items
If you see some of these items in the shop (main the ones for enchanting) you should buy them.
- Fractal Cabbages (For MP regen)

- Mortimus Iron (For MP regen)

- Any Rare items (If they aren’t as good as your current ones, then sell em)
- Potions (both HP and MP ones)
The Final Boss
- Since Bleed and decimate can go through all def and aren’t elemental attacks, they can be extremely helpful for killing the boss since he has really high def and 30 res on all elements. If you have no other elemental spells these two attacks may contribute to your damage output on him.
- If you have your combat side of the skill tree fully decked out and have focused most of your skill level up bonus points on mainly def and occasionally attack; youshould be able to beat this final boss in about 25 seconds :P Yes, I know, that isn’t that hard of a boss fight.
- You will need to meat the requirements of the following items:
- You must be able to consistently deal 150-200 damage.
- Have at least 650 HP.
- You decimate (purple damage) and bleed (red damage) attacks should be doing at least 90 damage together.
- Have your total armor up to 270.
- at least 10 minor HP potions.
- The boss, (if you meat the requirements above, the boss with be doing about 70-100 damage to you each hit. This is no problem, just use your heal spell or a potion right after he hits you each time and you will be golden!
If you followed the majority of the rest of the guide, you should easily meat these requirments.
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