Welcome seekers, if you didn't know Dragon Dogma online version you may look at here first : Dragon Dogma Online. For now Dragon Dogma is available on Japan region only for PC and Playstation 4 Platform. Going into western still unknown, we can just hope this game will be coming into global server. Before that, we wanted to give a peek about classes on Dragon Dogma Online, there is 8 classes, same like MMO every classes has various combat style and abilities. Choose what you prefer :

Fighter is almost like Knight in every MMO, their main weapon is one handed sword with a shield to protect him and their allies. Has great and high health point and good combat style. This classes is melee type and balance status. If you wanted to play it nice, Fighter is a good starter.
One of favourite range class, Hunter similar with bow and their agile speed. Attacking enemies from far away before enemies get near around them. This class is the best starter for range type play style. You can either playing solo or party but preferable if you happen play this class, you need to form party. Because Hunter is always easily died even their kind is agile and hard to hit.
Almost in every MMO, priest class type is identically as supporting character full with buff and healing so they can really support their party which is this class is important in any hunting, raiding, in the dungeon field. In Dragon Dogma, priest is not just a mere support character, they also can killing enemies with their holy abilities.
Shield Sage
This one is unique classes that happen doesn't exist in any MMO, Shield Sage, class that use very Large shield to make them stronger in any incoming attack. Uniquely this class doesn't work with a sword but with a wand. Yes, high armor with high magic as their based status. While blocking enemies, this class can charge up skill behind their shield and strike them with a blast.

At last this class must be using double sword as their main weapon, but it is not, sorry to let you down. Seeker is using blade as their main deadly weapon and a hook, yes.. a hook to hook an enemy so their class is the most fast to approaching to any enemies compare to any melee classes at enemies.
Magic user class, Sorcerer using Staff to enhance their magic power. This class is very destructive to pummel numerous enemies in one spot in one boom. Sorcerer is really useful in party even this class can hunting solo in the dungeon. Really good for range type style user.

Elemental Archer
Still range type damage dealer but with different style, this class also can do some melee damage to an enemies. With their elemental power they can disable enemies from afar and strike an enemies brutally with their elemental abilities.
This class has so many opening, slow but deadly. With their large two-handed weapon they can do some damage in wide area. Killing enemies in one swing, very destructive and a lot damage can be dealing with this class. This class is not so strong like fighter, so you must evade any incoming attacks, use tactic and waiting an opportunity to strike enemies..
All classes is has their own strong and weakness point, choose what you prefer, you can create more than one character and always can try them all. Raise one you love, get stronger, and join the team.
All classes is has their own strong and weakness point, choose what you prefer, you can create more than one character and always can try them all. Raise one you love, get stronger, and join the team.
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